• 4.

    Pairing device with application

    There are two ways to pair an application with a device. These are primarily ment for two different scenarios:

    • 4.1

      Bibliotheca supplied hardware

      The hardware supplied by Bibliotheca is produced with a preinstalled image. This image already contains the Transformative Library Software.

      A technician or project manager can then register each device by entering either the Serial Number or the MAC-address of the hardware, without having to unwrap it or turning it on.

      Devices are registered by creating the application. Enter the information in the application creator/control panel under device settings.

      Once the device is running (and online), it will find the matching device on the TL server, and the pairing will be confirmed.

    • 4.2

      Custom hardware

      On hardware not supplied by bibliotheca the software is installed on location. See Install software on device

      When running the software (with connection to internet) the device will register itself on the uniFi+ server with a Handshake ID.

      Until this Handshake ID has been submitted to an application, the device will appear in the Pending list in the hardware section. 

      Once submitted in the Application Control Panel, and the device is running the software in online state, the pairing will be confirmed.

    • 4.3

      Dual application pairing (screenSaver & promotion)

      It is possible for a single device to be paired with both a screenSaver and a promotion at the same time. This allows kiosks (quickConnects) with screenSavers to display seperate (promotion) content in their interface.

      Firstly, you need to either pair a screenSaver OR promotion with the device, using the pairing method of your choice.

      After a successful pairing, select and open the modal of the second application (screenSaver if the initial pairing was done with a promotion and vice versa). This application needs to be created, then reopened.

      Choose the "Add as secondary" option, and you're presented with a list of valid applications. A valid application is:

      • On the same branch as the currently selected application.
      • Already paired with a device.
      • A screenSaver (if the currently selected application is a promotion) or a promotion (if the curently selected applicaton is a screenSaver).

      Select the desired option and click save. The two applications should now be paired with the same device.


    • 4.4


      It's possible to unpair an application with it's current device.
      This can be convenient in cases where the hardware is broken and the application must be moved to new device. Or if the device has accidently been paired to the wrong application. Unpairing and re-pairing will ensure that the exact same content is shown on the new device.

      Click the unpair-button in the Application Control Panel